Mucho LLuvia...although there was less rain last night and today so far. Now we just need them to get the roads cleared of mud and gigantic boulders so the bus can get through Sun. so the rest of the group can get to Panajachel. We went to my house yesterday...have had renters so have been staying in town until pick up some rain gear.

This wood working shop was intact when we arrived in Pana but no more. They pulled the wood out as it was collapsing.

That terra cotta colored house across the river is where my condos are. The bridge to it has been trembling so it is only foot traffic now. When we move our luggage today we will have to take it by way of the upper bridge in the MF pickup.

That's Sherry sporting my wellies that I keep down here and I also had waterproof hicking boots that I put on.

A view of the river towards the lake. If you are reading this and are coming to the lake this week pack rubber boots even though we are hoping this will be past us by then it will still be muddy in places. I am praying hard that next week is great weather since we have so much planned.
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