I woke up to pouring rain on wed. morning. It was relentless but it finally quit. We have some that woke up with a bit of a virus so they stayed in bed for most of the morning and are gradually recovering. We gathered at MF to sort clothes and shoes to hand out at the gym where some families are having to live right now because of all the rain causing so much destruction.
All the kids in the gym eagerly lined up to receive some fresh clothes. We tried to see that each one got a top and a bottom. Then shoes here handed out but as is usual there is never enough.
When that was done it was lunch time. After lunch some shopped their way down the street towards MF office and some went straight to MF to bag the food that Beth and Dave purchased to help families in need. Even some of our girls who were feeling puny were doing better and able to come and help pack food.
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