We always have a free day during the week so everyone can do their own thing, be it shopping or relaxing by the pool or doing more volunteering. Today was not so free…we once again jumped in the back of a MF pickup and headed to San Jorge to help serve lunch to the ancianos (elderly). We went early because a few people have ancianos they sponsor so they went and did home visits while the rest of us visited the San Jorge preschool.

This was the first preschool MF started and over a couple of years donations came in to build a three story building that now holds to classes of preschoolers and a computer lab for older students. Four others joined our group and they had brought lollipops and stickers to hand out so everyone participated in bringing lots of smiles to the kids. Then it was time for the 4 girls who had joined our group to San Jorge to go visit their sponsored child. The rest of us relaxed on the church steps for a little down time. When the others returned from their visits we headed to the building where the elderly feeding program is held. Children are considered orphans if their mother is dead because even though they may still have a father he is so busy trying to make a living he can't spend much time with them so they also eat with the elderly. It is such a sweet combination. The very young and the elderly are most at risk for malnutrition so that is why the preschools and the elderly feeding programs are so important. And beyond that it is a wonderful time to socialize and have a sense of community.

Before it was time to serve I had the opportunity to go visit one of my students who lives in San Jorge. This year for Christmas instead of buying a small gift for each member of the family I am buying the new 10 yr. water filters so I made a small bag of art supplies for the whole family to enjoy. And yes you are correct I deliver Christmas when I go in Feb. They don't seem t mind. Sulmi, my student, has grown so much since I first met her and she is now in their equivalent of our junior high. All the sponsors who send regular food donations to their students families always see a big difference in the overall health of the family and especially in the young ones. Food is the most important gift you can give to the impoverished.

Then it was off to serve food to the elderly. They are the sweetest people. They receive a very nutritious meal 5 days a week and are sent home with emergency rations since this is likely to be the only meal they receive all day. Then it was time to return to Pana to grab some lunch for ourselves. We went to San Jorge in two trucks because we had beds and water filters to deliver but on the return trip we only had one truck so five were inside and 14 were in the back of the truck. I tried to photograph this from the truck bed but I couldn't get everyone in the photo!!! Since it was technically the free day once we returned to the hotel everyone scattered to do other things they had planned. During the week some of the sponsors planned lunch out for the families of their sponsored students. This is such a treat because usually even the parents have never eaten in a restaurant. Brian took both his families out during the week and Laurin, Jim, Grace and Michelle also treated their families to lunch and even a birthday party for one with a cake and pinnate. In the evening we had reservation at Pinguinos' for a traditional Guatemalan meal called pepion.

The owner, Miguel, entertains everyone with the history of his people and his daughters play the marimba. It is a fun filled evening especial when everyone tries to make a tortilla for which their is a prize for the best one. Beth won !!!

Tired and full we all headed home. Another great day.
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