Today I climbed a mountain and my legs are still quivering.
I visited Ronaldo's new home in Santa Catarina Palopo....well actually high above the village. It was straight up and even after 3 asthma meds I though my lungs would collapse and my legs wouldn't take another step. I don't think in my whole life I have ever climbed that far straight up or that high. The view from the top is a million dollar view but the price to get there is too much for me to ever do it again!! It is the land the mother, Erminia, inherited from her father. I can't imagine what it was like for the construction people and the family to carry up all those concrete blocks, bags of cement,re-bar, tin sheeting and all the other things it takes to build a house on a mountain w/o the help of big equipment. It is all manual labor here.

It is hard to tell from the picture how far up we are from the lake but trust me it is far.
They still do not have electricity or water hooked up or a proper toilet. That will be the next step to raise money for. Hope all my Portland friends are eager to buy some beautiful handmade Guatemalan jewelry and textiles. In thanks for the new home the family presented me w/ a most beautiful guipil (traditional blouse)that was backstrap woven and hand embroidered by the two older girls, a faja ( belt) woven and embroidered by Erminia and a small table covering. It is overwhelming when you are presented with these gifts that take months to make and they could have sold them to have money for food. I am very blessed.
Then it was time to walk back down that mountain.I thought my legs were going to give out on me because of the toll it takes on the front of your thighs going straight down. It is now about 4 hrs. later and my legs are still quivering. All in all a very gratifying day. Thank you so much to those who contributed to help build this house. Now lets hope and pray I can walk again by the time the group gets here Sunday.
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