At least it is my paradise. Got into GUA about 3:30 but since I was spending the night in Antigua, Guatemala and it is only a 45 min. drive I decided to take the tourist shuttle. EGADSS ..3 hrs later I arrived at my hotel.He had to wait until he had at least 4 people so that took an hour and a half so by then it was rush hour traffic which made the 45 min. drive another hour and a half.
By the time I arrived at my hotel it was dark and all I could think of was to get changed and hit the streets..for food. I had one of my very favorites...Caldo Real (traditional Guat chicken soup) and a Gallo ( local beer). Life is good. Please don't mistake that this is chicken soup like you have never had.YUM
By that time I needed sleep. This morning I showered..for some reason no hot water last night..and went on the hunt for saldo (minutes) for my phone then to a safe ATM. Armed with danero (money) onto Cafe Contessa for breakfast.
I've done some of my necessary shopping and some un-necessary. Now I am sitting in Frieda's Cafe on my 2nd margarita...again life is good...waiting for my ride to pick me up for the two and a half hour drive to Panajachel (Pana). To Kara...I am sitting at our table in front of the Frieda Jukebox. The picture below is not Frieda's..just one of those sweet sites.
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