Today was a big day. We met up at MF and sorted through the donations we brought down to find the things that would be best to take to El Barranco. After the sorting and repacking we first headed to San Jorge to visit the preschool and the elderly feeding program.
I felt it was important to show the group what a functioning preschool was like so they could see the vision for El Barranco and it's soon to be preschool.

During the visit to where the elderly feeding program is held Debbie L. found out that one of the cooks was a single mom and her son was not sponsored in school so she sponsored him on the spot. His mother went and got him and he came right over so we could meet him. It is little things like this that can change a child's life.

Then on our way to El Barranco we stopped at Pollo Comprero for lunch...It is the Guatemalan version of the Colonel only the chicken is better.
We arrived at El Barranco and all the ladies had their hand made goods out for sale so many transactions took place. It is a village of weavers so there are many beautiful things to select from.
The kids then did their traditional dances and grabbed at the hearts of all who were watching. One of the students who had lost her sponsor was sponsored by Sherry and Gene R. before the trip ever started so they really enjoyed meeting her and seeing her dance.

Then came the time to hand out shoes...which their are never enough of....and to find out who wanted to sponsor students and what students needed sponsored for school. There are 9 team members and 9 children were sponsored.
And of course there were lots of tears and touched hearts this day. The first time you meet your sponsored child can turn your heart to mush no matter how big and strong you are.

Children here so want to go to school but when there is not enough food you can't even afford a pencil for school.
The evening ended with dinner at El Bistro with lots of conversation about the darling children that had interred the hearts of those who met them this day.

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