This day was very full and had much excitement. I went to the hotel and picked up Jolene and Maureen to take them to the mayanfamilies Pana. pre-school to help w/ the medical clinic. If you follow mayanfamilies blog you will see the details.
The rest of the group met at my house and once again we jumped (some of us crawled) into the back of a pick up and headed to the home of a single mom of 5 children to install a stove. While the stove was being installed several of the team went to the market and bought provisions for this family. They had nothing in the house except corn to grind. We left a very happy family.
We then proceeded to mayanfamilies head quarters ( Sharon's house) and met a family we bought food for. The mother is very ill after having part of her lung removed. The word the grandmother used to discribe her translated to ornament. She can't do anything. We also gave them clothing and shoes. It was mentioned that the children were not sponsored in school. Hillary spoke up and said she wanted to sponsor the oldest girl. This young girl proceeded to throw her arms around Hilary and thank her. Needless to say Hilary was reduced to tears.
The little girl from San Jorge preschool who had heart surgery was also there to pick up her new traditional clothing the team had pooled together to buy her. She was so beautiful in it.
Then off back up to El Barranco to visit the homes of the students the team sponsored up there. We made a quick stop at the Pollo Comprero for take out on the way. Almost all of the chhildren we visited had gifts for their sponsors. Jill's family's home was fairly new construction of cement block but they had nothing else. We are taking a chunk of the money her cousin generously dontated to buy them a stove. Where they cook was inclosed and none of us could take all the smoke in there from the open fire. Also they sleep on a woven mat on a concrete floor. A bed is next on the agenda.
While we were at the home of a student another came to us in tears because she was afraid her brother had cut his finger off cutting wood w/ a machete. We took off over there and Corey, our token man, who is a trained first responder took over. It was Lisa's student so ofcouse she was in tears. The boy did brighten up a good bit when she pulled the soccer ball she brought for him out of the bag. Susie our mayanfamilies guide called for a truck to take him to the clinic in Pana. He ended up with several stiches and is going to be okay.
We returned to Pana much later than expected so Mathilda,the caterer, was already at my house. Thank heavens my house keeper, Maria, has a key and met her there to help. We had a lovely party and a great end to a great day.
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