Off to Antigua to enjoy this beautiful UNESCO Heritage site.

But first the vendors worked on getting just one last sale in while we packed the van.

Once we got to Antigua we unloaded our bags then headed to the heart of the village stopping along the way for lunch at Fridas's where the food is great and the margarita's are wonderful.
After lunch we continued down Arch street which if you Google Antigua, Guatemala you are bound to see a picture of the arch. Along the way we encounter conquistadors announcing events to come.

I don't believe I have ever been in Antigua near Christmas so it was lovely to see all the lights and decorations. It's a fun place to explore with all the beautiful churches and ruins that occurred during a massive earthquake in 1773 leaving this capital of the Spanish empire in ruins.
After which they moved the capital to Guatemala City where I have been told is actually on a larger fault line!!! Then finally, after a nap for some of us, we went to dinner at La Fonda where I always have to have the Caldo Real soup. Lorenzo and Kathy had a redeye flight so they left before dinner.

The rest enjoyed some Christmas carols at the main Cathedral on the square being sung by children. Then off to bed for those who had early morning flights. It was another wonderful trip with great and generous people.
Remember that all the pictures can be found on the Picasa link at the right of the page. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and come join us on a future Grace of Guatemala Trip in 2015. God Bless.